Monday, July 22, 2013

The Gangnam Rage Video

   Oh boy…this video….just watch….

            This was a video where people completely missed my intentions.  Within a few days of posting this video, I got all kinds of flak and people accusing me of hating PSY and Gangnam Style and calling me all manner of…colorful words.  The actual intent of this video was just to show an exaggerated reaction of someone who was sick of that damn song and making fun of said people who take their hatreds of stuff like this to far.  But in the defense of those who have hated on this video, I guess that wasn’t properly conveyed.  And no, I don’t hate this song, (a convention I went to earlier that year drove any dislike I may have had of it right out of my system).  Truth be told, my original idea was to use a more disliked song like California Gurls or Call Me Maybe but It just happened that Gangnam Style was really damn popular and I figured that using it would draw in more views and thought it had been around just long enough for people to be sick of it but still know what it was.  Well…I was half right and I’m pretty sure that had I used any other song this one probably wouldn’t have gotten nearly as much flak as it did.  But in the end I really don’t regret making it.  I had fun putting it together, got to play with some fake blood and do things that I really couldn’t do with any of the Korsgaard’s Commentary videos.  Now the video that came after this one…is another matter all-together and we‘ll get more into that one next time.  

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