Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Wolverine Review

There really isn’t a whole lot to say about this video.  It’s just a very vanilla review I did of The Wolverine.  I enjoyed the movie and I wanted to get my opinion of it out there and tell people to do the same.  I find it a bit of a shame though that the movie didn’t find a wider audience or make a more lasting impression on people as unlike Man of Steel it did have plot and character development and unlike Iron Man 3 it didn’t betray it’s source material for a gimmicky twist and actually felt genuine as it went on about Wolverine’s desire to die.  Still, it made its money and the franchise isn’t dead by any means and I recommend that you go out and see it if you get a chance.  So until next time, please subscribe to our YouTubeChannel, follow us here, Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pacific Rim Jager Combat Simulator Review

And now we come to what has shockingly become Griffeth Galaxy Productions most viewed video, the Pacific Rim Jaeger Combat Simulator Review.  To tell you the truth, I was very lazy with this one.  It was very loosely scripted and really is just me playing the game and showing people what it’s about and I really cannot account for its success.  At the time of writing this the video has well over 21,000 views and climbing and the number of Likes and Dislikes tend to be neck in neck with the Likes usually slightly outnumbering the Dislikes.  Again, I really don’t know why so many people have watched this vid, but I appreciate all the views and ask that you keep watching it.  It’s been a hit of a video and I can only thank the people who watched it for making it.  So until next time, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel, follow us here, Like us of Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.