Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Crow Video and What Happened to it and What Happened After

            This one is a little difficult to talk about because…well… for one thing it isn’t available on YouTube anymore; apparently taken down for violating some copyright law that may or may not have fallen under Fair Use, (some companies are a little ignorant as to how that works).  It’s actually a really big shame because nothing about it really went wrong outside of one disagreement concerning how Korsgaard worded one sentence that I took offence at and one odd instance where the picture turned brownish red for some reason, (I believe it may have been a lighting trick that I was attempting that went wrong).  Aside from that, however, everything went great.  The lighting was appropriate, given the subject matter, the writing was good, Korsgaard gave a good performance, the editing went so smoothly thanks to my switching to Adobe Premiere Pro and I say that it was easily the best video of the three and is probably a contender for the best video that I have made period.  And because of this it really is a shame that people can no longer view it.
            However, after it was complete I more or less decided to stop making videos for Korsgaard, mostly due to personal and creative disagreements I was having with the guy and we had a full blown falling out not long after for reasons I don’t care to discuss here.  It is worth noting, however, that he did write an article on his site and made a webcam video explaining why the videos had stopped coming.  His explanation is full of…half-truths at best, (three sides of an argument and all that), and I never dignified it with a response and have no intention to do so outside of what I’m saying here.
            Since then, he has made attempts to make video reviews on his own, and…well…they’re not very good.  In total he came out with two within a couple of weeks of one another, one being kind of mediocre and another that’s just fascinatingly bad and is almost worth watching because of it.  Around the same time he attempted to create what I can only imagine was supposed to be his answer to Griffeth Galaxy Productions; an organization called Sardonic Media Group that he formed back in late March and even made a Facebook page for it and apparently recorded an intro video as well…only not to post said video and the Facebook page has been inactive since late March.  This was apparently due to an issue with YouTube’s copyright policies which has apparently driven him to abandon his venture into the video medium all together.  Still, his website appears to still going strong, he continues to write articles and his intended writing carrier seems to be going forward so more power to him.

            And that’s the story of my video collaborations with Korsgaard.  The whole thing may not have ended well and the ripple effects of our falling out would be felt well into the New Year but on the whole the making of these three videos was an education experience for me and I would take these lessons with me into my making of GGP videos.  Although some of them may have been a bit more…ill-advised then others.  We’ll get more into that next time.  Until then, please follow the site, subscribe to us on YouTube, Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.

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